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September 29, 2024

That certainly is quite a day!  I hope that during the tiring long jaunt to Renfrew, you were able to see Fall coloured trees as it is usually a little earlier than Lanark County. 

As to the culinary experiences of you both, I presume that neither of you are (sic) trained chefs!   A lesson well learned,  any solid fruit or vegetable put into a microwave or oven should always be "top and tailed";  I'm glad that it is not myself who has to clean the microwave.  Hopefully you were finally eating a respectable dinner tonight!  I'm sorry but your last sentence made me laugh until I almost cried!!

Last week I put slightly too much water in a pot of frozen peas, at least it was only water that spilled down onto the stove. Such is life!

No more sewing to be finished, now the next item is to weigh my suitcase, which surprisingly was easily found in the underground storage unit, then begin filling it with suitable Fall clothes etc: and weigh again, only 50 lbs are allowed, plus small carry-on case.

Wednesday afternoon I shall be flying to Victoria, Vancouver Island for nearly 3 weeks. Son Graham has organized everything as per usual, including wheelchair; I'm looking forward to spending warmer weather and seeing their new country abode, 750 ft above the Pacific Ocean. He and Ana are excellent cooks, also a great change from mostly eating alone.

A prayer will be said for you next week, hope all goes well,


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