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September 19, 2024 v2

Country Life is a great magazine, no matter how or what gives one pleasure: however, thankfully I can totally ignore the desire to spend. I inherited far too many beautiful and ancient items from my Godmother who was gifted an astounding amount of said items from Anna Pavlova, from wherever she Danced around the world.

I seem to remember telling ( or writing) about this some time ago.  

What is this that you merely mention about a " recent diagnosis"??  No wonder your "erstwhile physician" wanted to talk to you Both and help relieve some shock.  Bill, I have known you for 46 years, during which you helped me so many times when I needed your professional assistance.  Now we are writing back and forth with your idea making a full story.

I am sorry that I didn't answer sooner. These last few days since I recovered from a "Bug", I  have been extremely busy trying to catch up with, cooking, cleaning and grocery shopping, yesterday was sewing, then up to Clayton for more sewing. Last night I was so tired that I slept a full 10 hours without even "turning over "!

My good news is, Son Graham has booked my flights to Vancouver Island, October 2 - October 19.  Via WestJet.   Naturally I'm excited to be staying with he and Ana in their new country home near Chemainus, plus their 2 Husky dogs, "Turbo and Diesel " (they were named by previous owners).

Keep cheerful and healthy.


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