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September 12, 2024

I remember the Neat Cafe from the first and second year that it opened. In fact we sat at the same table under the lamp standard;  however the shrubs behind  the table were about 9" high and I was given a portion of the roots. The bush in Clayton is still growing well in spite of young deer having a nibble in most early Springs. Unfortunately their afternoon tea was not pleasant, so we marched over the road to what is now a good restaurant, and devoured an excellent cake with our two favourite English teas.

In later years when the Ice Cream store opened I was even able to succumb to a Lactose Free Ice in a bowl !  The bridge over the river was often photographed with the High Rocked Highway in the background.  Our three grandchildren from Yellowknife, who stayed with us for the summers of many years, would ask us to "drive down that steep hill, almost into the river, to eat the Yummy ice cream!!

James,who stayed here with his Fiance Quinna in April , is now 28 and remembers it all well from the age of five. Such amazing memories.      

Your neighbour must have had a poor night's sleep if his papers are not yet found,  good luck. 

I shall enjoy this afternoon in the warm weather on my balcony. I'm not fully recovered from whatever "Bug" I inherited a few days ago.   

Your wanderings around the beautiful countryside are always interesting, bringing home such wonderful memories of many years ago. 

In 1957, upon finally arriving 5 days late in Canada after one of the most dreadful Atlantic storms, the Cunard ship was blown backwards for 3 days.   My very new husband and I stayed in Renfrew for a few short months, with friends of his parents, before we settled in Ottawa.                         Renfrew county is beautiful. I remember being taken fishing on the Ottawa river, I was the only person to catch a fish, it was huge and had an enormous ugly head; I was told it was delicious to eat but I obstinately refused!
Feeling slightly better this morning, I must now try venturing into the kitchen for food for the day!

Enjoy these warm days ahead,


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