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October 4, 2024

Two more beautiful Fall photos.  It is cooler here than Almonte, but walking two Huskie dogs each evening along a narrow trail right next to the ocean is amazing, breathing the salt 
sea air always brings me back to an energetic life!

The flight was long but very good, I was well looked after sitting in a wheelchair at each airport. The first flight was a few minutes late arriving in Edmonton, of course both planes were each at the farthest ends of the airport; wheelchair passengers are always first on but last off. I was rushed through hundreds of travellers on a large buggy then down the ramp to the plane which was kept waiting for 8 minutes for me to arrive. Without the said chair I would have lost my flight and luggage! 

Graham and Ana have a very interesting large country house on 1 and 1/4 acres of sloping ground very close to the edge but high above the Ocean.

Just watching a green hummingbird visiting a large red Petunia bush, a lovely sight several times a day.

Enjoy the Fall in your new car.  Take care.


October 3, 2024

This is a good one.

October 3, 2024

Enjoy, as much as you possibly can, your new vehicle in fine weather, snow is only "around the corner!

October 3, 2024


Oh dear, I remember that song so well, in fact upon reading all the words I was singing it all out loud: I just hope Graham did not hear me! Almost all the words. 

"Among these  Dark Satanic Mills" used to make our whole school cry, including our two Teachers.  It was mid 1940 during the "Battle of Britain", living only 5 miles from the English Channel, we heard and saw so much devastation.

Jerusalem the Golden

October 1, 2024

Very interesting! I believe I met The James Newton"s many years ago, They were possibly friends of Brig:General Don Stewart and wife Jean, from whom we rented their old farm house on Colborne St, whilst he was head of NATO in Syracuse, N.Y.

I bought all the blue material for 6 large windows in my house on Country St. (floor to ceiling) from Collie Mills in Appleton Village. They survive to-day partly as I wash them on a regular basis; more of the same material I used to cover the couch in our drawing room which has been moved  from house to house over the years.
The Appleton Side Rd. also reminds me of the tragic accident years ago of a train ramming and killing our two English friends and their two very young Grandchildren.  We were waiting for the "Taylors" to arrive for dinner that evening, only to hear the sad news on CBC  T.V.  It was a shock that neither of us could believe, or drive again on that road , even many years after the rail track was removed and Hwy#7 was built. 

Another "what is life".

Packing all clothes to-morrow, leave on Wednesday.

Very Best of luck this week,  May God be watching over you.

Take great care.


September 29, 2024

That certainly is quite a day!  I hope that during the tiring long jaunt to Renfrew, you were able to see Fall coloured trees as it is usually a little earlier than Lanark County. 

As to the culinary experiences of you both, I presume that neither of you are (sic) trained chefs!   A lesson well learned,  any solid fruit or vegetable put into a microwave or oven should always be "top and tailed";  I'm glad that it is not myself who has to clean the microwave.  Hopefully you were finally eating a respectable dinner tonight!  I'm sorry but your last sentence made me laugh until I almost cried!!

Last week I put slightly too much water in a pot of frozen peas, at least it was only water that spilled down onto the stove. Such is life!

No more sewing to be finished, now the next item is to weigh my suitcase, which surprisingly was easily found in the underground storage unit, then begin filling it with suitable Fall clothes etc: and weigh again, only 50 lbs are allowed, plus small carry-on case.

Wednesday afternoon I shall be flying to Victoria, Vancouver Island for nearly 3 weeks. Son Graham has organized everything as per usual, including wheelchair; I'm looking forward to spending warmer weather and seeing their new country abode, 750 ft above the Pacific Ocean. He and Ana are excellent cooks, also a great change from mostly eating alone.

A prayer will be said for you next week, hope all goes well,


September 28, 2024

Yes Bill, All from a male attitude !

For me it began at a very young age with tiny fingers to help polish all the silverware each week. Living in a usually damp climate, with coal fires, cigar and pipe smoke, cooking fumes and always partially open windows; it was unacceptable to allow a silver teapot and kettle to turn brown in a few short days.

From then onwards I always needed to keep my fingers busy! Learning to crochet, knit, sew and paint with watercolours.  As my hands began to grow i needed to play piano, then in warm weather I learned to grow food and flowers in the garden. Then standing on a stool I learned to cook, firstly to make pastry, biscuit mixtures and later, stirring cake mixtures. I even had my own small iron which was made hot by putting it on a hot floor tile in front of the fire, then with my little ironing board to iron all small cotton handkerchiefs. Yesterday I found my iron in a box, which now sits in view in my bedroom. It seems a pity that children are not taught many of these useful items today.

Then WW2 was declared and almost everything I learned before I attended school became an absolute necessity, most of which I have expanded over time to enjoy and never forget. 

One last quip!  I taught both my 2 sons how to sew on buttons and a couple of other things which were in the box with my little iron.  Throw them out... NOT Yet!!!

Maybe: Silly Me!!


September 27, 2024

Quite a day for you. I loathe those kinds of phone calls, at least your new vehicle corrected itself.

Seeing a bad accident is not pleasant, hopefully you will not have difficulty trying to sleep. There was one 60 years ago that is still hard to dismiss.

Today I spent quietly for a change, more sewing of Fall clothes, a new zipper in a jacket, a couple of buttons to be replaced, finding the correct size was frustrating amongst a few dozen spares!  I finally cooked a delicious Rainbow trout with sweet potato and salad; I carefully left my Chapmans Lactose Free Vanilla Ice cream in the freezer, once I start nibbling it's difficult to cease! 

I turned off the too upsetting late news.

Good night.

September 26, 2024

Well said!  You will never lose your sense of humour!   

I'm sure you are extremely pleased with your new vehicle and will thoroughly enjoy our upcoming, usually gorgeous Fall weather.

Re: "I hadn't thought of that".   My computer went blank just as I was beginning to write a thought for you, now almost 2 days ago.

When you are tricycling around your neighbourhood, do you always carry your Driver's license as well as the Ontario Health Card?  If you should ever have another accident and hit your head or just pass out, how would a helpful person or Paramedic be able to know you?  It was just a thought that went through my mind whilst reading about the "old woman",  poor soul.

An interesting, but very long day today. Residents of Lanark Highlands are able to receive several "days out"  by obtaining specifics from Ontario Government.  Today it was a trip to tour "The Diefenbunker" in Carp. Ray and Kathy Lowe own their 350 acre farm in "L.H." and 
suggested "would I like to join them and 2 more of our friends on a bus, with lunch in Carp afterwards".  So we all met at Union Hall on Wolf Grove Rd, at 9am.  To our surprise the bus was enormous, comfortable and held 80 passengers.  It was extremely interesting as a young woman guide walked us through many passages, up and down 4 floors to see how Canada's Government, Governor General ,staff, employees, Drs Nurses etc. would be able to survive underground from Nuclear Bombs during The Cold War for a whole month. The Medical Unit had a small hospital with operating room, beds for 6 persons, Dentist's and Optometrists offices etc., etc.  Even a Vault to hold Canada's Gold. Of course Kitchens. It was built in 2 years to hold 586 people with enough food for one month.

Diefenbaker never went inside after he was told "no wives allowed". He preferred to die with Olive.
Sorry, I forgot to send yesterday!

September 21, 2024

A beautiful photo of the late summer afternoon by the river.

The "What Now" has occurred to me on several occasions; at 16, having just finished school it suddenly came to me as summer was almost over, it suddenly hit me "W. N."! I knew that I did not wish to stay at home and help "cook and clean house, or help my Father in the smallish Hampstead Heath, London garden. I realized that was what was expected of me. Ballet dancing was completely out of the question after injuring my spine.  In those years it was typical for a young girl to learn to type which I tried for two weeks, absolutely hated it and quit, also each day I came home with a dreadful back pain.

We were invited for dinner a few days later with good friends , our Doctor and his wife; during the conversation I was asked "how is the typing"?  I remember "Mummy" looking at me, then saying in an annoyed voice "She Quit".  "Uncle" John quietly took me aside, asked a few questions and said "You gave exactly the correct answer, Sue."  Before dinner was announced he told my Parents the real problem was my spine.  I think my Mother was somewhat "Mollified"!!  (Ed's Note: Mother's first name is Mollie)

A few years later the same question returned, I thought I made the right decision, probably not!

The last time "What now" occured to me (was) in early 1983, I was married with two children, living in a small town in a rented house.  The owner of same phoned to say that he and family would be returning to Canada within 6 months, naturally they needed their own home.  I searched and asked many realtors, no luck.  One pouring wet afternoon I was on my way to visit my Mother when suddenly I noticed a For Sale Sign. The rest is history.

Do you remember the sale of 239 Country St?  Without your qualified experience I would not have been able to buy that 1980's house or have it professionally updated. 

I can honestly say living there for almost 15 years turned our lives around, it was a great advantage to my two sons, also over those years for myself. 

Enough said. Must away to more sewing. Then Early to bed, Sunday mornings I now leave home @ 7:30 am, up to Clayton to open St. George's Church for Service @

Thank you Bill,  Take care.


September 20, 2024 v2

Interesting. When I heard the news re: Cadillacs, my first thought was what on earth else can go wrong for Bill. I did not want to be the provider of more misery but......

"an unfortunate accident",  absolutely NO.

Keep cheerful, stay warm and stay away from Mosquitoes!


September 20, 2024

SO Sorry to hear of that. It is treatable, with good results. The shock is often worse than the disease.

Tony and I went through some tough days 16 years ago, when I was diagnosed with breast Cancer. Thankfully I did not require Chemotherapy, only Radiation. The surgeon at the Winchester Hospital was an extremely kind and helpful man with whom we both had a pleasant relationship.

The same with the congregation at St. George's Anglican Church in Clayton; they immediately offered all kinds of help, which is now our "Family" of whom I am the eldest since Tony suddenly left us 3 years ago.

Living in small communities is extremely different from large cities as you and myself understand. 

Enjoy another beautiful sunny day.


September 19, 2024 v2

Country Life is a great magazine, no matter how or what gives one pleasure: however, thankfully I can totally ignore the desire to spend. I inherited far too many beautiful and ancient items from my Godmother who was gifted an astounding amount of said items from Anna Pavlova, from wherever she Danced around the world.

I seem to remember telling ( or writing) about this some time ago.  

What is this that you merely mention about a " recent diagnosis"??  No wonder your "erstwhile physician" wanted to talk to you Both and help relieve some shock.  Bill, I have known you for 46 years, during which you helped me so many times when I needed your professional assistance.  Now we are writing back and forth with your idea making a full story.

I am sorry that I didn't answer sooner. These last few days since I recovered from a "Bug", I  have been extremely busy trying to catch up with, cooking, cleaning and grocery shopping, yesterday was sewing, then up to Clayton for more sewing. Last night I was so tired that I slept a full 10 hours without even "turning over "!

My good news is, Son Graham has booked my flights to Vancouver Island, October 2 - October 19.  Via WestJet.   Naturally I'm excited to be staying with he and Ana in their new country home near Chemainus, plus their 2 Husky dogs, "Turbo and Diesel " (they were named by previous owners).

Keep cheerful and healthy.


September 19, 2024

It sounds like a great afternoon.  Not only is your kind friend a gardener and chef, but likes to entertain so you can enjoy the countryside. 

I too sat outside until the mosquitoes arrived.  How come they appear to favour hearing aids!  One bit me on the top of my left ear which then itched too much for me to sleep, until I made a paste of baking soda; a good old recipe!

September 16, 2024

Whatever happens is a "Wait and See" situation.  

If this illogical creature survives and wins,  does Canada have politicians who would be able to cope with the USA and the ever growing possibility of another World War. 

We need another Roosevelt and Churchill.

Putin is interested in Canada's  Arctic,  and also our Oil industry; apart from recovering parts of Europe etc.    

Enough Said !  Good night.

The famous image was taken by Karsh during Churchill's wartime visit to the Canadian Parliament in December 1941. It helped launch the career of Karsh, who photographed of some of the 20th century's most famed icons, including Nelson Mandela, Albert Einstein and Queen Elizabeth.

September 14, 2024

I've known those feelings for the last few days. This afternoon I just sat on the balcony and watched a few birds, a butterfly flitted across  all the flowers that I had watered, then almost sat but eventually hovered over my hand, then suddenly disappeared!  My reaction, naturally, was to really miss my lovely garden that I built single handedly over many years, happily it is still surviving , but with a few too many weeds! 

 I made the right move last summer; cutting the lawns all around the house, etc. would most likely have been impossible this year. 

Today before it is too hot , I shall take a short walk around the property and try to build up my lack of energy.  

You are struggling extremely well, a good example for me to pursue instead of just feeling "my old age".

Have a great day.

September 13, 2024

So true! I often feel the same, usually while trying to sleep. From where is this beautiful photo? If taken from a different angle we would be able to see the the magnificent painting. 

I presume the photo of the delightful chair and carpet are in your living area, very comfortable!

I am not so "squished-up" as before; the breaking of my old "Regency" 1820's  chair now appears as a "blessing in disguise".  However Graham has told me, Save the pieces, I would like to completely repair it, especially as I have so much convenient space to store  almost all Antiques.

I'm more than curious to see their present abode, the humidity and lack of high heat is perfect for such items.

Reality England, from where it all came!

Once more have a good night.


September 12, 2024

I remember the Neat Cafe from the first and second year that it opened. In fact we sat at the same table under the lamp standard;  however the shrubs behind  the table were about 9" high and I was given a portion of the roots. The bush in Clayton is still growing well in spite of young deer having a nibble in most early Springs. Unfortunately their afternoon tea was not pleasant, so we marched over the road to what is now a good restaurant, and devoured an excellent cake with our two favourite English teas.

In later years when the Ice Cream store opened I was even able to succumb to a Lactose Free Ice in a bowl !  The bridge over the river was often photographed with the High Rocked Highway in the background.  Our three grandchildren from Yellowknife, who stayed with us for the summers of many years, would ask us to "drive down that steep hill, almost into the river, to eat the Yummy ice cream!!

James,who stayed here with his Fiance Quinna in April , is now 28 and remembers it all well from the age of five. Such amazing memories.      

Your neighbour must have had a poor night's sleep if his papers are not yet found,  good luck. 

I shall enjoy this afternoon in the warm weather on my balcony. I'm not fully recovered from whatever "Bug" I inherited a few days ago.   

Your wanderings around the beautiful countryside are always interesting, bringing home such wonderful memories of many years ago. 

In 1957, upon finally arriving 5 days late in Canada after one of the most dreadful Atlantic storms, the Cunard ship was blown backwards for 3 days.   My very new husband and I stayed in Renfrew for a few short months, with friends of his parents, before we settled in Ottawa.                         Renfrew county is beautiful. I remember being taken fishing on the Ottawa river, I was the only person to catch a fish, it was huge and had an enormous ugly head; I was told it was delicious to eat but I obstinately refused!
Feeling slightly better this morning, I must now try venturing into the kitchen for food for the day!

Enjoy these warm days ahead,


September 11, 2024

Very well said and the young intelligent personnel would appreciate your kind thoughts.

Yesterday I spent several hours on my balcony enjoying the "Indian Summer": I always thought of it, when in England as my Father's "old India and Ceylon" name. I trimmed and watered all the potted herbs and flowers, then cleaned up all the mess with my "maple tree handled long broom."

This morning when opening the blinds I noticed that the large grey squirrel had returned and scratched out soil from several pots, obviously looking for tomatoes. Tough luck!

This morning I was not feeling too well; after coming back to bed, I finally called dear Joy Sheets. She came in immediately and after asking a few questions she remarked that I probably had a bug that is going around. I slept for a while and upon waking found Joy had returned, telling me I looked a better colour and would I like a little of my porridge? So between us we hobbled into the kitchen and found what was needed.

She is not walking too well, amongst other things but is always here to help, not just me: once a nurse always a nurse. Marvin has recovered from four recent operations, two hands then both shoulders; too much farming which he should not have experienced. Ageing hits us all at time!

Just received Graham's email, Flight's booked October 2 returning possibly Oct 18. Just the day to have good news!

Tomorrow I shall sit in the warm air enjoying the last of all the lovely flowers in the gardens.

A lovely photo of a peaceful property. I will always miss Our Home in Clayton.

Now I can look forward to Graham and Ana's peaceful property overlooking the Pacific ocean.

Enjoy the warm and sunny days.


September 10, 2024

I do not appreciate what I call "the Americanization" of our English language. Yesterday two of my emails were affected which I immediately removed; correct or incorrectively!! 

There have been a few instances when I can agree with your sister, re: your monologues, but still enjoyable!

Enjoy our slow but beautiful return to summer.


September 8, 2024 v2

Hello, Kathy!

Thank-you for your email and the additional photograph, much appreciated.

Herewith is a link to the blog I have created for Suzanne (though I believe she is unable to see it on her computer for some reason):

 Best wishes!

Bill (Chapman

September 8, 2024

As you know I'm only too aware of the vast distance between East and West of Canada. My only 3 actual relatives live at either end; the Maritimes, in every sense of the word, are a totally different beautiful Country. The Western shores are just as beautiful and so is Middle Canada; but every section has a very different history and lifestyles.

I'm happy to tell you that within the next few weeks I shall be visiting our Western shores and once more smell the Salt Air! Timing depends on flights, strikes and whatever else can happen!  Maybe Elections, but no Civil Wars!


September 7, 2024

Just past 9pm so off to bed.

I have to be @ St. George's, Clayton by 8am, back to our winter time, Communion Service @ 9 am, given by a Minister we have not met.

Once I've opened the Church there is quite a lot to organize, thankfully the weather should be cool but no more rain.

So out of the building by 7:30am. Good night!


September 6, 2024 v3

Having just eaten a small meal that I really didn't enjoy, my stomach told me the same thing which I totally ignored, I sat in my comfortable armchair and put my feet on the stool, then thought "now what next".  Naturally I picked up the computer and found your latest 'a la quell Chapeau".  Bill, I laughed until I almost had tears in my eyes!!!  So much for ordering things online, but I admire your perseverance!

The photo of the captivating woman was wearing a very suitable hat; how did you manage to photograph her without her noticing?  In spite of having an expanding girth, you haven't lost your admiring touch!! 

Now I shall attempt to start writing my next composition.  Did I tell you on the telephone that I now have a few prints of one professional photo taken almost three months ago, one of which you are welcome to borrow. It is much improved than the one you received from Kathy at the weekend. 

Back to typing again!


September 6, 2024 v2

Sorry, Bill but ........All I could see was the 3 pictures, Pakenham Bridge, 2 of Princess Anne.

Nothing would open up. I did see the photos of what I had written in the other email.

I'm just not computer enlightened! Never a typist, it takes me quite a long time to write on the computer! I also need to look up names of towns etc re : The "Pathfinders" 1943 - 1945.

I have quickly made a list of my accomplishments once I left Public School (Boarding) which may surprise you. After cooking and eating I shall try typing it out.


September 6, 2024

Very interesting, at sometime I shall have to tell you about Olive Diefenbaker, Mrs Karsh and The Monmouth Rebellion Ringwood Hampshire.

September 5, 2024 v3

A  beautiful sunset over The Bay,  having been through there a number of times, unfortunately usually lunchtime or afternoon.

The sight of the three churches so close to each other is still a memorable sight to behold.  Our first visit there we literally bumped into a Mi'kmaq elderly retired boat builder; after apologising to him, he struck up an interesting conversation with us about "Auld times".

Your mention of Heraldry, the two pictures you saw when here, date back to about 200 years.  Bell's family produced Alexander Bell. The name Graham he added in later years because he wanted a more fitting name, once he became well known!  Alexander was a cousin of my Grandfather, Anderson Panton Wells.

My Grandson, Alexander Rhys Jonsen-Humble was given those two names by his parents, just because they like them.

September 5, 2024 v2

A very interesting breakfast for you all. The Centennial has been a favourite of ours for many years. Recently 
Ray and Kathy drove me there one evening when they quickly needed to eat.  Behind a booth there was a lamp flashing, so one of the male workers came over to fix the frustrating object; I wondered who it was, only seeing his back and continued to read the menu, suddenly he turned around and loudly said "Suzanne" rushing to come and give me a hug; much to the surprise of R and K !  Of course it was "George," the head chef who has been there for Donkey's years. He always knew what Tony would order as it was a specialty of George's just made for Tony.  When he had a few minutes to spare he would come and discuss a few political items with Tony or where have you driven today? Only once had I lunched alone after Tony left us, it was George's day off, the long time waitress said she would certainly tell George the "Sad News".

Yes, Mississippi Mills is certainly a great place for "Oldies" like us, in which to live.

Enjoy our warm sunny day, a wet weekend to follow.


September 5, 2024

Wow!  I'm trying to accomplish the same, but happily in reverse order ie: making too large items into smaller ones, however very time consuming ! Fall is around the corner, so even hat!

September 2, 2024

That was quite an evening with an amazing meal.  The Australian Family would enjoy our weather as it is their early Spring, great for the whole family to be  together.

I remember those days of special "Ipad "viewing and talking", then "Grandma and Uncle Tony I'm giving you a big Hug"!

I grew up with the "seen but not heard" axiom until I was about 14 and "home for the holidays". My God-Mother, Daddy's youngest sister, came "Home" from New Zealand for the first time since 1937 to attend their Uncle's 90th Birthday party @ Grosvenor House Hotel in Park Lane, London. That was what one of Daddy's cousins, a few weeks later, called "A real Shein-Dig": I believe a typical Scottish expression!<

So glad you were able to enjoy such a great day.

Just watched the ParaLympics Men"s Swimming, Canada won Gold. I have to stay around for another 4 years!!

Now back to housework.


September 1, 2024

Hello Bill,  I just saw on my other computer that you received the photo from Kathy Lowe. She took several and that was the one we chose; our good friend, the chief Warden Lynne, Was watching and she kept us both laughing.  Hopefully It is O K for your purpose.

I’ve had to switch to my old IPad, the other  one has to be recharged. Going back to my War time sojourn in the Convent @ Westward Ho in North Devon. During the Autumn term all 50 boarding girls had serious cases of Flu. The Easter term we all had Measles and were kept in our small dark rooms for a Whole week.

We lived in a large mansion owned by the Duchess of Manchester, who was obviously A Roman Catholic, with a beautiful smallish Chapel.  From there we were bussed Each school day to the main RC school in Barnstable (?) The only thing I remember From there was having the famous Polish pianist , who escaped from the Nazis, and he played for us all 100 girls. He also was to play some music from a special book.  As I sat near the front, being short for my age (!) he asked if I could read Music , I think I nodded “yes”, so I turned pages for him. Afterwards I remember This tall man with an unknown accent giving me a small hug!

The Summer term I was the only girl out of all the other 100 to come down with Whooping Cough.  I was quickly ensconced away from everyone else  to a very Large bedroom with all lovely antique furniture and carpet. A few days later an elderly lady came in and asked if I would like her to read to me. She came every Day for a long time. She suggested that I call her “Aunty May”. Once feeling well enough I was allowed to go down the enormous staircase to go outside  into The sunshine.  Aunty May took me through  the most beautiful gardens, one which had high brick walls all around. Inside were hundreds of different kinds and colours of Roses, the perfume from them all is something that I have never forgotten. She would often bring me a rose in a beautiful small glass vase before I was able To go outside.

Finally I was allowed to go home. A long train journey accompanied by two Nuns, Who never spoke one word to me. We finally arrived at Salisbury station, I looked Out of the window and there was “ Mummy” waiting for me. I had no idea that was Why I was on the train. The Nuns spoke to her for two seconds and disappeared!

We had to catch a bus to get home to Ringwood over an hours drive; I coughed All the way home and also for another two months; I-missed my own school for part of The Autumn term.  Much later I was told that Aunty May was the Duchess and She kept in touch with Mummy for quite a while.

Condense this however you like, but I thought some of it might be of interest, Especially Wartime. Mummy and I spent part of each school holidays  for the rest Of the war staying wherever Daddy was stationed. The last 3 years was at “Upwood” Near Ramsey, a Lancaster and  Mosquitoe Station.  Another long story!!

I presume you had a great time yesterday.  Sorry about my messed up time, By late afternoon I felt better, I slept solidly 10 hours overnight and thankfully able to participate in today’s special meeting as to how we can save  our old St. George’s Church, the building was finished in 1901, there was an earlier Wooden Church.  We have to keep fundraising etc:

Enjoy our last of Summer, keep tricycling well!

Sent from my iPad

Thanks, Suzanne!  More capital for the stores! You tell a great history!


Hello Mr Chapman

Suzanne asked me to send this to you. She also wanted me to tell you that she had whooping cough while she was at the convent school during the war. She said she would send you an email with more information.

Kathy Lowe

Dear Ms. Lowe:

Thank-you for assisting Suzanne and me in this little enterprise, greatly appreciated!
If by chance I may assist you in any way, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Bill (Chapman)